In A Rut #1

by Jon Burch Photography
In A Rut #1
Jon Burch Photography
Photograph - Digital Photography
In Nebraska, deeply eroded ruts cut by thousands of wagons sliding downhill with their wheels locked produced starting points for future scars on the land. This eroded ‘ditch’ was created by thousands of covered wagons exiting the bottom of the Windless hill on their way to Ash Hollow and some sweet spring water.
The Great Platte River Road was no neatly engineered lane where prairie schooners rolled prettily in single file, but an evolving, rowdy free-for-all of multiple ruts scoring the river valley. Traffic went both ways as emigrants, commercial freight caravans, stagecoaches, and postal relay riders moved back and forth between East and West. New tracks were created as ox-drawn wagons and mule trains passed each other and spread out three, six, or more abreast to escape the choking dust kicked up by those ahead. Some Oregon-California Trail wagon track remnants can be seen in the valley beyond the ditch.
Some digital effects were applied to the original image after the photograph was made. No electrons were harmed during the transition. Your finished photograph will not contain the Fine Art America watermark.
Image copyright 2021 Jon Burch Photography.
June 1st, 2021