Big Storm
by Jon Burch Photography
Big Storm
Jon Burch Photography
Photograph - Digital Capture/digital Painting
A winter storm rolls in over Rocky Mountain National Park in northern Colorado.
Image copyright 2012 Jon Burch Photography
December 21st, 2012
Comments (27)
John M Bailey
Congratulations on your feature in the Fine Art America Group "Images That Excite You!"
Geoff Crego
Jon, what a superb exposure working with bright light and deep shadows. I love this composition! V/F
Lenore Senior
CONGRATULATIONS, Jon~you are the Featured Artist of the Week in the Old MASTERS--Photographers and Digital Arts group. This is a stunning and gorgeous work of art, with very effective use of b&w against the color. Outstanding. v/f
Jon Burch Photography replied:
Thank you very much Lenore!!! I really appreciate it! I was talking with an artist once in Santa Fe and asked him what was the most difficult thing he ran into with his painting. His replay was: "Knowing when to stop..." This image is about the tenth or twelfth evolution of the original scene. I though about that comment many times...! Thanks again!
Mary Machare
Fantastic capture, Jon. Your processing lends to the stormy feel. I love the the bright colors fading to black and white in the background. vf