Cathedral Rock

by Jon Burch Photography
Cathedral Rock
Jon Burch Photography
Photograph - Digital Capture/digital Painting
Behind Oak Creek, Sedona's Cathedral Rock awaits the coming rain. When rains come, plants grow and rivers flow. Deserts are part of a wide classification of regions that, on an average annual basis, maintain a moisture deficit by losing more water than they receive. However, measurement of rainfall alone does not provide an accurate definition of what a desert is. Being arid also depends on evaporation, which depends in part on temperature. For example, Phoenix, Arizona receives less than ten inches of precipitation per year, but is immediately recognized as being located in a desert due to its arid adapted plants.
Sometimes when desert rains do fall, the fall very fast causing sudden flooding. Plants, survive by storing water between rains and the spring storms are a welcome sight to the dry environment. If there is enough water to form a creek, like Oak Creek seen in this image, the flow carries various objects downstream at a speed proportional to the gradient.
Cathedral Rock is a famous landmark on Arizona skyline, and is one of the most-photographed sights in the state. This view is from "Oak Creek Crossing" in west Sedona. The Rock is located in the Coconino National Forest in Yavapai County, about a mile west of Arizona Route 179, and about 2.5 miles south of the "Y" intersection of Routes 179 and 89A downtown. The summit elevation of the Rock is 4,921 feet and is a popular short, steep ascent from the Back O' Beyond trail head to the saddle points or "gaps" at the base of the rock.
Geologically, Cathedral Rock is carved from the Permian Schnebly Hill formation, a red bed sandstone formed from coastal sand dunes near the shoreline of the ancient Pedregosa Sea. Ripple marks are prominent along the lower Cathedral Rock trail, and a black basalt dike may be seen in the first saddle.
Originally called "Court House Rock" on some early maps, Cathedral Rock, like Courthouse Butte or "Church House Rock", has caused endless name confusion to the casual observer.
Thanks to Tom Kelly in Sedona, I eventually found this location but did not attempt the crossing. I still know enough to come in out of the rain!
Be sure to stop by my "Special Collection Gallery" and view this image on canvas!
Photograph copyright Jon Burch Photography
March 19th, 2013
Comments (242)

Spencer McDonald
Hi Jon. Love this one! It feels like it has wonderful depth and that rock seems to just pop out at us. Well done.

Linaji Creating
Would LOVE this in - All Genre of Photography .. Our Latest Gallery:https://fineartamerica.com/groups/all-genre-of-photography-.html?showmessage=true&messageid=6521660

Marco Busoni
I travel through this wonderful area several times many years ago, you images captured so well the majestic landscape

Luther Fine Art
Congratulations! Your camera art has been nominated as a Special Feature by a fellow artist Camera Art member for your superb art in Camera Art Group!! Please share the love by nominating a fellow artist whose work is in Camera Art You can do that in the "Artist Special Feature Nomination" discussion in the Camera Art Group.

Gary Richards
Love the dramatic lighting you had for shooting this image, Jon. I have viewed many images of Cathedral Rock and this is one of the best I have seen. Superb capture!

Joyce Dickens
What a magnificent capture of this incredible landscape Jon; the lighting couldn't be better my friend and the clouds in the background add a nice dynamic to this piece!!!

Richard Ackerman
In all the west. Sedona is one of the most beautiful places to be. I must get there again after my next AK trip in July. This truly captures the atmosphere and beauty of this place. Magnificent work.

Paul Krapf
When I saw this image, I said "Oh Boy!". All your work is worthy of comment. This one grabbed me in particular. Excellent work! Thank you for commenting on my work, a;lso.