Rocky Mountain High
by Jon Burch Photography
Rocky Mountain High
Jon Burch Photography
Photograph - Digital Capture & Enhancement
One of the most popular parks in the country, Rocky Mountain National Park welcomes 3.4 million visitors each year and still manages to nurture cravings for solitude. Rocky Mountain National Park’s 415 square miles encompass and protect spectacular mountain environments. Within the boundaries of Rocky Mountain National Park, more than 100 peaks rise above 11,000 feet above sea level, including Longs Peak at 14,259 feet.
In addition to having the highest average elevation of any other U.S. national park, Rocky Mountain contains 70 peaks rising to more than 12,000 feet. In the shadow of these mighty summits are valleys carved by wild rivers, placid alpine lakes, and an amazing array of flora and fauna.
Many of the taller peaks make up the Continental Divide, where snowmelt runs either west to the Pacific Ocean or east to the Atlantic. The park's vistas are accessible by horseback, on foot, or by car - the most notable vehicle route being Trail Ridge Road, the highest continuously paved highway in North America.
This photograph of the high mountains in Rocky Mountain National Park made from the town of Estes Park in northern Colorado. On a clear day like this, one can see Thatchtop, Taylor Peak, Otis Peak, Hallett Peak, and Flattop Mountain on the right.
Some digital effects were applied to this original image after the photograph was made. No electrons were harmed during the transition. Ordered images will not contain the FAA watermark.
Image copyright 2019 Jon Burch Photography
April 24th, 2019
Comments (5)
Judi Dressler
Jon, thank you for submitting this wonderful image showing the beauty and variety of Colorado to the ALL COLORADO group, where it is now featured on the home page. You are invited to archive it in the ALL COLORADO group Feature Archive 2019 discussion thread for longer lasting visibility. L/F