Sangre de Cristo Mountains
by Jon Burch Photography
Sangre de Cristo Mountains
Jon Burch Photography
Photograph - Digital Capture And Enhancement
The Sangre de Cristo Mountains meaning, in Spanish "Blood of Christ", are in the southern Rocky Mountains located in Colorado and northern New Mexico. The mountains run from Poncha Pass in South-Central Colorado, trending southeast and south, ending at Glorieta Pass, southeast of Santa Fe, New Mexico. In Colorado, the range contains a number of fourteen thousand foot peaks and the peaks in New Mexico are over thirteen thousand feet.
The name of the mountains refers to the occasional reddish hues observed during sunrise and sunset. Although the origin of the Sangre de Cristo name is unclear, it has been in use since the early 19th century. Before then, terms like "La Sierra Nevada", "La Sierra Madre", "La Sierra", and "The Snowies" were used. According to tradition, "Sangre de Cristo" were the last words of a Catholic priest who was killed by Indians.
Image made from the Great Sand Dunes National Monument in southern Colorado - copyright 2016 by Jon Burch Photography.
Ordered images will not contain the FAA watermark.
December 28th, 2016